Visualising Analysis


Once user has laid the basis fundamental by creating Analysis Table, the next task user needs to do is create visualizations. Creating visualizations is the way of organising findings, in such a way that it is presented in the most effective format so that interpretation of data about what these data is telling will be easy and simple.

Create Visualization

To Create Visualization, click on the Add Visualization button:

Add Visulization

Upon clicking on Add Visulization button, Create Visualization page will open like this:

Create Visulization

Create Visualization page is divided into three components:

  1. Fields/Analysis Table’s Columns
  2. All Visualization Widgets with their settings configuration’s placeholders
  3. Section which’ll be responsile for holding widgets with data

There are multiple types of visualizations which we support:

  1. Pivot Table
  2. Line Chart
  3. Area Chart
  4. Column Chart
  5. Heat Map

Pivot Table

User needs to click on below icon to config pivot table visualizations: Pivot Table Icon

Pivot Table has following configurations:

  1. Columns
  2. Filters
  3. Rows
  4. Values
Pivot Table

User can drag and drop elements from left side Analysis Table columns and upon clicking Build button, pivot table visulization will appear on the right most section

Pivot Table Data

Also, user can apply filters, by dragging and droping columns in the filter section

Pivot Table Data

If user needs to add new visualizations, they need to click on + button, like

Add new Visual Button

Line Chart

User needs to click on below icon to add line chart visualizations:

Line Icon

Line Chart has following configurations:

  1. Legends
  2. Filters
  3. X Axes
  4. Y Axes

User can drag and drop elements from left side Analysis Table columns and upon clicking Build button, line chart visulization will appear on the right most section

Line Chart

Area Chart

User needs to click on below icon to add area chart visualizations:

Area Icon

Area Chart has following configurations:

  1. Legends
  2. Filters
  3. X Axes
  4. Y Axes

User can drag and drop elements from left side Analysis Table columns and upon clicking Build button, area chart visulization will appear on the right most section

Area Chart

Column Chart

User needs to click on below icon to add column chart visualizations:

Column Icon

Column Chart has following configurations:

  1. Legends
  2. Filters
  3. X Axes
  4. Y Axes

User can drag and drop elements from left side Analysis Table and upon clicking Build button, column chart visulization will appear on the right most section

Column Chart

Heat Map

User needs to click on below icon to add heat map visualizations:

Heat Map Icon

Heat Map has following configurations:

  1. Values
  2. Filters
  3. X Axes
  4. Y Axes

User can drag and drop elements from left side Analysis Table and upon clicking Build button, heat map visulization will appear on the right most section

Heat Map