Creating Projects
Projects tab is further divided into two tabs - Active and Archived.
Active and Archived tab contains of list of Active Projects and Archived Projects respectively.
Creating a Project
To create a Project, we need to be on Active Projects tab.
On the top right of Active Projects list, there is an Add project button.
Clicking on this button will open up a modal. The modal contains three sections - Details, People and Metadata (Fixed Data).
In the first section named Details, we have to enter the Project name (mandatory), it’s description, location and image (optional). Click on next button after entering the details.
In the next section named People, there are two dropdown to select Project Members and Project Manager.
Then clicking on next will take us to the last section named Metadata (Fixed Data) where we add Metadata Name, Data Type, Unit and it’s value. We can create multiple Metadata using the Add New button.
After entering the details, clicking on save button will create a new project for us.
This is how we create Projects.